The following individuals have been involved in the development and production of Life After Cardiac Arrest:
Development Team
Lynne Atkinson, Support Services Manager, Edinburgh Headway
Ann-Marie Blaney, Coronary Heart Disease Lead Nurse, NHS Lanarkshire
Stuart Brett, e-Learning Developer, University of Edinburgh
Sandra Bannister, Volunteer, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Linda Callan, Coronary Heart Disease Lead Nurse, NHS Lanarkshire
Lynne Dalgleish, OHCA Bereaved
Caitrian Guthrie, Cardiac eResources Project Manager, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Sandra McLaren, Registrar
Gregor Newton, OHCA Survivor
Judy Newton, Wife of OHCA Survivor
Lynn Reid, Head of Education, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Dr Gareth Clegg, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Emergency Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Gillian Moreton, Director, Rivers Centre, NHS Lothian
Video/Audio Interviewees (Stories)
Andrew Boyd
Katie Cruickshank
Keith Cruickshank
Lynne Dalgleish
Eilidh Newton
Gregor Newton
Harry Newton
Judy Newton
Sandra Ryder
Jeremy Southam
Interactive Content Development Team
Stewart Lamb Cromar, Interactive Content Manager, University of Edinburgh
Jackie Aim, e-Learning Developer, University of Edinburgh
Stuart Brett, e-Learning Developer, University of Edinburgh
Gavin McCormack, e-Learning Developer, University of Edinburgh
Steering Group
Alan Begg, General Practitioner, NHS Tayside
David Bywater, Consultant Paramedic, Scottish Ambulance Service
Stewart Lamb Cromar, Interactive Content Manager, University of Edinburgh
Lynne Dalgliesh, Services Administration Support Manager, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Frances Divers, Cardiology Nurse Consultant, NHS Lothian
Greg Fearn, Network Manager, Familial Arrythmia Network Scotland
Caitrian Guthrie, Cardiac eResources Project Manager, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Michelle Keenan, Chief Executive, Edinburgh Headway
Colville Laird, Director, BASICS
Garry MacKay, Station Manager, Training & Employee Development, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service
Gregor Newton, OHCA Survivor
Judy Newton, Wife of OHCA Survivor
Lynn Reid, Head of Education, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Connie Smith, Directorate Health & Social Care, Scottish Government
Sarah Smith, Cardiac Co-ordinator, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Margaret Somerville, Director of Services, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
Iain Telfer, Chaplain – Spiritual & Pastoral Care, NHS Lothian
Stewart Wilson, Chief Executive, CRUSE Bereavement Care Scotland